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Next Level Consultant is a privately held company specializing in franchise and small business consulting services. With a wide range of expertise and years of experience we are uniquely positioned to help our clients reach their goal of "next level" success.  In many cases, the only barrier between an enterprising new franchise or business owner and reaching their goals is the application of fundamental and proven business management practices.  

Large corporations will use expensive external specialists to implement these basic practices, but unfortunately small business owners do not have either the time nor the money to afford such high level services.  Next Level Consultant provides the same sophisticated and professional services and does it well within an entrepreneur's budget limitations.

Next Level Consultant brings a vast array of experience in franchise and small business management to the table and will quickly and efficiently identify tremendous opportunities for immediate sales growth and operations improvement.  We know how to solve problems using the practical application of proven techniques and time-tested principles.  Our turnaround experience, along with a powerful focus on the client's budget and cash flow will result in next level sales performance and financial flexibility.

Call or email us today for a FREE BUSINESS ANALYSIS!

Jack Pearce
Founder and Principal

Mr. Jack Pearce has over 35 years of executive management and consultant experience within multiple industries and franchise concepts. Currently he provides Chief Financial Officer advisory services to several franchise industry and small business organizations. His services include organizational development, financial management and executive leadership. In addition, he has provided bridge financing support, strategic planning and early stage franchise development.


Previously, at Annex Brands, Inc. Mr. Pearce directed the integration of corporate culture, products, services and brand identity during a period of multiple acquisitions. As Executive Director Franchise Integration he facilitated the acquisition of six unique brands over a nine year period. Annex Brands, Inc. is a successful multi-brand franchise organization established in 1985 and currently supports over 950 individually-owned and operated units in the US, Canada, Mexico and Japan. 


Mr. Pearce also held the position of CFO/COO at a national logistics franchise, CFO at a regional industrial materials distributor and management consultant to dozens of small business clients, as well as a Fortune 500 company. He led a VC-backed turnaround of a 300-unit national franchise and subsequently launched a new brand to achieve accelerated growth and brand dominance in a redefined market niche. He is a former multiple-store franchise owner and was the principle field support consultant to develop Western US markets for five emerging franchise concepts. His services included strategic planning, finance, acquisitions, field support, marketing, training, accounting and technology.

Mr. Pearce is a member of the International Franchise Association (IFA) and serves on two national committees, Franchise Relations and Information Technology. He is a Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) and the author of the IFA Handbook titled “Effective Development of a Franchise Support Organization”. The handbook and multiple articles published in Franchising World magazine are available at 


Mr. Pearce has a B.S. in economics and psychology from Claremont McKenna College and an MBA with emphasis in finance and organizational development from the Atkinson Graduate School of Administration at Willamette University.

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