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Franchisor, small business and individual franchise unit success starts with professional business management and analysis.  Too many small business owners do not have access to fundamental financial analysis, strategic planning, organizational development and operations support services at their local level.  Next Level Consultant (NLC) provides affordable, sophisticated and objective 3rd party counseling aimed solely at driving growth, efficiency and profitability for your small business.  Here is a sample of the services we can provide.

Franchise Organization Development

Launch Phase Franchisor Development 

These services are designed to transition the single-unit business owner into a multi-unit Franchisor organization.

  1. Financial Forecasts: 

    • Prepare multi-year individual unit and Franchisor level forecasts, predict critical business economics and key performance indicators

    • Determine financing and debt service needs and create presentations for lenders and investors

    • Demonstrate the dynamics of Franchisor "flow through" revenues and expenses and prepare for audit-level accounting

  2. Entity Formation:

    • Prepare Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Action of Written Consent and corporate minutes

    • Perform state incorporation procedures, obtain federal EIN number​

    • Set-up bookkeeping and accounting systems including Chart of Accounts

    • Recommend CPA and legal advisory relationships

    • Produce Organization Chart, Job Descriptions and Standard Procedures

  3. Operations Manual:

    • Required by SEC regulations, assist Franchisor with developing content, logical organization, editing and publishing

    • Counsel Franchisor on the "how to" focus of a good franchise Operations Manual 

    • Separate one-time start-up activities from on-going reference materials

  4. Training Strategy:​

    • Organize according to progression of business opening events​ and initial operational requirements

    • Determine subject matter priorities and allocate training time to provide adequate coverage of all subject matter 


NLC provides exceptional service, support and advice for all Early Stage and Launch Phase Franchisor development.  Contact us today!

Products and Services Offered by Next Level Consultant

Interim Chief Financial Officer 

Comprehensive Chief Financial Officer services for emerging companies. The key to an effective CFO role is NOT being an accountant, but instead viewing strategic financial planning as a function of the CEO's vision and exit strategy. In early stage development ($1M to $10M in gross revenue) companies often cannot afford a full-time, experienced CFO, but desperately need one!  NLC can provide these senior level executive services while still fitting into the start-up company budget.  


Finance & Business Management

NLC conducts a comprehensive survey of the business including Strategic Planning, Organizational Structure, all aspects of Financial Management, Sales and Marketing, Operations and Administration. The client receives an extensive written report including corrective and improvement recommendations identified during the engagement. Implementation negotiated separately.

Compose, Edit and Publish a Franchise Operations Manual 

NLC works directly with emerging Franchisors to compile existing documents, procedures and other materials to develop a top-quality Operations Manual.  NLC also offers original content for areas such as History, Mission & Brand, Business Management, Strategic Planning and other critical elements of the business concept.  Together, the result is a professionally produced Operations Manual suitable for training and FDD compliance. 

Strategic Marketing Plan

NLC works directly with the client to first understand the basic Who, Where, What, Why and How of your marketing challenges. Next, a mission statement is identified to determine the goals and objectives of the marketing strategy. Target markets are identified (Who and Where), the brand message is formulated (What), the “match” is made with a target audience (Why), and finally a delivery method is chosen (How). Current budget allocations and measurement methods complete the survey.

Field Support / Franchisee Site Visit 

Next Level Consultant conducts Field Support/Site Visits on behalf of emerging Franchisors who have not yet fully developed their own internal support team. The comprehensive on-site survey is custom tailored and includes key business concept components, such as Marketing, Operations, Suppliers and Vendors, Financial Management, Human Resources and Long-Term Strategic Plans. Documentation, photos and recommendations are included.

Next Level Consultant Training Courses

Franchise Unit Business Management 101  (per student and group rates negotiable)

Teach Franchisees Basic Business Management!     Instructor - Jack Pearce, MBA, CFE

This course is packed with no nonsense finance and operations education. Franchisees learn the basics of creating a strategic plan, understanding financial statements, cash management, key performance indicators, break-even analysis, effective management skills, standard procedures and much more. 

Effective Development of a Franchise Support Organization  (per student and group rates negotiable)

Reach Your Franchise Development Goals Today!     Instructor - Jack Pearce, MBA, CFE

This course delivers the strategies, tools and techniques every emerging or growing franchise concept needs to become a first-class support organization. Led by nationally recognized author of the IFA publication “Effective Development of a Franchise Support Organization”, Jack Pearce will teach you the most cost effective and efficient method to reach your franchise support goals. Curriculum is tailored to meet the specific needs of each attendee depending on the concept’s current stage of development. The objective of this one-day program is to provide a step-by-step plan for building your own “best practices” franchisee support structure. 

Registration for all courses:  Please use the "Contact Us" page on this website

Other Services:

Financial Planning, Management and Analysis:

  • Produce financial reports:  Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Changes

  • Comprehensive Profit & Loss statement analysis

  • Oversee and manage annual financial audits

  • Budget-to-Actual financial statement reporting

  • Variable-vs-Fixed expense reporting

  • Labor cost-management analysis

  • Manage capital assets including break-even analysis

  • Debt planning and reduction analysis

  • Assist with regulatory reporting

  • Develop real-time cash management system to ensure adequate liquidity

Operations Management and Controls:

  • Act as a change agent for implementing proper organizational structure and control

  • Counsel management team on leadership, effective communications and performance

  • Develop trust, transparency and effective 2-way communications in franchise relations

  • Define, develop and publish standard procedures to achieve cost controls, efficiency and performance

  • Improve transactional or operational flow

  • Implement and develop IT systems necessary for effective management and control of all operations

Executive Level Services:

  • Board of Directors or investor relations

  • Establish formal banking relations

  • Negotiate lines of credit

  • Negotiate and/or manage strategic vendor relations with key suppliers or professional services

  • Manage strategic merger or acquisition interface

  • Due diligence, strategic planning and financial forecasting for new acquisitions and mergers

  • Assist with production and registration of Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDD)

  • Assist with franchise broker relations

  • Implement or upgrade accounting systems

Strategic Planning and Organizational Development:

  • Exit Strategy consultation - essential for all planning

  • Prospectus preparation and resale support

  • Purchase Agreement assistance and analysis

  • Organizational Chart development and publication

  • Job Descriptions defined and published 

  • Employee Performance Reviews with custom design 

  • Strategic Plans for local marketing, finance and organizational growth

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